This project started as a way to extend from photographing Maria’s family, understand how other families are influenced, and compare them back to her own home. The title, Human Domestication, comes from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The family is an influence on the beliefs and values during childhood. Using the family to depict the differences between several household settings, her monochromatic imagery creates a specific narrative that explores the visible boundaries between the public and private life that may exist in a family environment.

Using family realities and the context that surrounds them poetically and conceptually has and will continue to guide her to a sense of self when exploring her own identity.

Having the ability to use her digital camera or an iPhone for quick snapshots, she jumps into situations to capture any action happening around her. This tactic was done by Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Decisive Moment concept and Sophie Calle’s documentation of people and objects in a voyeuristic way. Inspired by personal growth books, she always attempts to see things from another’s perspective.